Argo CFO Vermicasts are completely organic they are rich in mycorrhizal fungi, beneficial insects and have no added industrial chemical fertilizer.
Argo’s complete fungal-dominant worm castings (CFO Vermicasts) are recommended for use with household plants, urban gardens, lawns, golf courses, or in nurseries or greenhouses. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
To produce CFO Vermicasts, Argo starts with a proprietary feedstock. This feedstock, combined with an advanced method of pre-composting in bioreactors, produces a worm feed with high levels of mycorrhizal fungus.
Argo’s worm castings high ratio of bio-char (10% by volume) facilitates a large cat-ion exchange capacity (CEC), this gives the soil substrate its capacity to hold nutrients, particularly ones that are soluble and generally tend to wash through the soil, or growing medium.
Insect frass and malted barley incorporated into the feedstock results in high levels of plant hormones and chitins.
Worm Castings are as much as seven times richer in phosphates than soil that has not passed through an earthworm. They have up to 10 times the available potash, and five times the nitrogen.
Argo CFO Vermicasts are valued by growers because they add and facilitate the following properties to the growing medium:
Argo’s Complete Fungal Dominant Vermicast contains:
- 80% Fungal Dominant Vermicast
- 10% Biochar
- 5% Insect Frass
- 5% Rock Minerals (increases beneficial elements Ca, Mn, Si, Fe, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mo, Bo, Cl, Ni)
[ Direction for soil application]
Mix 10% to 20% thoroughly into soil, use mixed soil as directed in planting instructions.
[ Guaranteed Minimum Analysis ]
3 Liters when packed
Nitrogen……………………………………………. 1%
Available Phosphoric acid ………………….. 1%
Soluble Potash ………………..…………… 0.3%
Total Heterotropic plate Count …………16,700,000 cfu/ml
(CFU: Colony Forming Units per milliliter of sample)