Canna Substra Vega Part B - 1L

Canna Substra Vega Part B - 1L

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In the beginning of the growth phase, the plant lays the foundation for its eventual yield. CANNA SUBSTRA VEGA B SW is developed especially to fulfill the plants needs optimally during this phase.


Characteristics of a healthy and powerful growth are vital side shoots and a luxuriant root development.
SUBSTRA Vega is applied to all types of inert mediums.
A complete absorption of nutrients and water is guaranteed from the beginning of the cultivation because SUBSTRA Vega is rich in directly absorbable nitrogen compounds and trace elements.
A ready to use fertilizer solution is made by diluting A & B concentrates in equal amounts with tap water

User Instructions:

Shake Substra Vega A and Substra Vega B well before use

Dosage: 40 ml / 10 Liter - 15 ml / US gallon (1:250)
Recommended pH: 5.2 - 6.2
Recommended EC for Substra Vega A + B is 0.8 - 1.5 mS/cm (Part A plus Part B and assuming source water at 0.0 EC)
Water gift: 3 - 5 litre / m2 / day

Other directions:

Never mix the A-concentrate directly with the B-concentrate, as insoluble combinations will occur
Keep out of reach of children
Store in a dark place
Keep away from extremes of hot and cold
Over fertilization has a negative effect on the nutrient mix and plant quality
Not to be used in protected nature reserves, reed beds or swampy areas, in hedges or small woods, in bodies of surface waters or near groundwater collecting areas
If the solution comes in contact with the skin or eyes, rinse with water